Query Number 12802
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Hits 1 to 10 of 54 matching D*



Name: Nymphaea 'D.R. Francis'
Name status: accepted name
Publication: 1913. Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin. 1.
Page #: 96-97
Common name(s): waterlily
Synonymy: Nymphaea 'Mrs. D.R. Francis'
Hydridizer: Gurney
Hydridization year: 1915
Herbarium Specimens: 46342


Name: Nymphaea 'Daeng Dharmanoon'
Name status: accepted name
Publication: 2002. Island Exotics Price List.
Common name(s): waterlily


Name: Nymphaea 'Daeng Prasert'
Name status: tentative
Publication: 2002. Island Exotics Price List.
Common name(s): waterlily


Name: Nymphaea 'Daisy'
Name status: accepted name
Publication: 1934. Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin.
Common name(s): waterlily
Hydridizer: Pring
Hydridization year: 1934
Nomenclatural / curatorial notes: WP 1941 5.7


Name: Nymphaea 'Dallas'
Name status: accepted name
Publication: McLane, B. 1999. Florida Aquatic Nurseries Price List.
Speichert, G. & S. Speichert 2004. Encyclopedia of Water Garden Plants. Portland, Oregon.: Timber Press. 386 pp.

Page #:

Common name(s): waterlily
Hydridizer: Strawn
Hydridization year: 1991


Name: Nymphaea 'Danieda'
Name status: tentative
Common name(s): waterlily
Nomenclatural / curatorial notes: Meadow Nursery Stock List


Name: Nymphaea 'Daniel'
Name status: accepted name
Publication: Knotts, K. 2002. The Names of Waterlilies.
Common name(s): waterlily
Hydridizer: Austral Watergardens
Hydridization year: 1999
Nomenclatural / curatorial notes: Tropical Day Flowering / Tropical Night Flowering?


Name: Nymphaea 'Daphne Glasson'
Name status: tentative
Publication: Knotts, K. 2002. The Names of Waterlilies.
Common name(s): waterlily
Hydridizer: Winch
Hydridization year: 1970


Name: Nymphaea 'Darcy Jane'
Name status: accepted name
Publication: 2002. Luster Aquatic Nursery Price List.
Common name(s): waterlily
Hydridizer: Presnell
Hydridization year: 2000


Name: Nymphaea 'Dark Eyes'
Name status: tentative
Publication: Knotts, K. 2002. The Names of Waterlilies.
Common name(s): waterlily
Publication parentage: N. elegans x N. colorata
Calculated Parentage:
Nymphaea elegans Hook.
Nymphaea colorata Peter

Hydridizer: Frase
Hydridization year: 1980

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